Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Biology


Dr. Anna Beniermann

Assessment of attitudes towards evolution and knowledge about evolutionary processes and concepts across Europe

The EU-funded project “Assessment of attitudes towards evolution and knowledge about evolutionary processes and concepts across Europe” is imbedded in the COST Action 17127 “Building on scientific literacy in evolution towards scientifically responsible Europeans“. The project aims to close a gap in the European research on knowledge about evolution and attitudes towards evolution. To date, clear, comprehensive and comparable data on attitudes and knowledge about evolution is missing in many European countries (see overview in Kuschmierz et al., 2020).

The working group consists of researchers from 26 European countries and works towards several project tasks and deliverables, accessible on the project’s website.

To generate directly comparable data, a comprehensive questionnaire (based on Beniermann, 2019; Kuschmierz, Beniermann, & Graf, 2020) is used in all its European translations.

Aim of the project is to investigate the knowledge about evolution and attitudes towards evolution of students who have just enrolled in a university. These students have just recently completed upper secondary education and have been granted higher education entrance qualification. The results will allow insights in attitudes towards evolution and knowledge about evolution of European freshmen students directly after finishing secondary education.

The project is associated with a project called “Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone” (EvoKE), which has the aim to foster public’s understanding and acceptance of evolution.

Working Group leader: Dr. Anna Beniermann
Working Group vice leader: Prof. Dr. Rianne Pinxten (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgien)
Project leader: Paul Kuschmierz (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)