Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Biology

Multimedia – Promoted Projects

The Employment of Video Sequences in Teacher Education and Teaching Research

The range of media in teacher education shall be complemented by digital video sequences showing examples of teaching-learning situations in schools and university. By this, students shall be confronted with authentic settings in order to be brought closer to teaching themselves and to be given the opportunity to reflect on standard as well as problematic situations as a group.
The video-study of experimental interventions in artificial and realistic situations comes to use in the field of empirical teaching research. Thereby this project supports different current studies in biology education as well as the integration of research findings into university classes. In the context of the “Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Bildungsforschung” projects cooperating with other educational institutes will profit from these studies.


The Configuration of a Media Data Base and the Evaluation of its Use – The Support of Teacher Education in Biology Education

Because in science classes students shall develop an idea of how scientific knowledge is generated and on which preconditions it is based (competence, gaining knowledge, KMK 2004) it is recommendable to design biology classes in a problem-based way and with regard to hypothetical deductive methods.

That means students have to understand that scientific analysis, observation and experimentation are always based on hypotheses and theories concerning a certain phenomenon (Eschenhagen et al. 2003, S. 212). The data base has been designed in respect of creating lesson plans.
The following categories apply to searching for media:

  • Description of the medium, e.g. torso

  • Character of the medium, e.g. structural model

  • Promoted field of competence, e.g. communication

  • Teaching intention, e.g. cognitive

  • Function of the medium in the teaching-learning process, e.g. demonstration

  • Attracted sensory channel, e.g. visual

  • Degree of abstraction of the medium, e.g. schematic

Furthermore attributes of the medium and its context and relevance can be found by the search with keywords. The technical terms used are explained in the instructions. There definitions as well as guidance for using media and the data base can be found.
It is intended that inside the data base the media can be commented on so that experiences from teaching with these devices can be handed on.