Meta Kambach, Annette Upmeier zu Belzen
New Professionalisation of Teacher Education
Based on its successful activities concerning the teacher education, the Humboldt-University takes the tender of the Telekom-Stiftung as a reason to bring a new quality to the professionalisation of this field by intensifying the cooperation between schools and universities.
By establishing the Humboldt-ProMINT Research Group a permanent, interdisciplinary, scientific structural unit is being created, consisting of teachers, students, postgraduates and members of each institute of didactics working in the field of MINT-subjects.
The general idea of MINT is to cross-link its four central domains which are mathematics, computer science, natural science and engineering.
The members of this research group exchange and form interdisciplinary joint-ventures in cooperation with the Zentrum für Bildungsforschung (ZfB).
The delegated teachers function as a multiplier carrying the results back into the schools.The ProMINT Research Group is committed to didactic research and teaching in equal measure.
A substantial element in all this is the integration of the primary school didactics in order to consolidate the MINT-subjects already in primary schools in a competent way.
Additionally the scientific and industrial location Berlin-Adlershof offers the opportunity to bring teachers and students into contact with local high-tech firms and other institutes that are not part of the university.
Furthermore our international contacts shall enable teachers and students to gain insight into the educational systems of other countries.
You can find further information on the homepage of ProMINT ►►►