Stefan Hartmann, Annette Upmeier zu Belzen
The goal of project ValiDiS is to gather validity evidence for the test score interpretations of a scientific reasoning test for preservice science teachers, which has been developed in project Ko-WADiS. In ValiDiS, we will continue the longitudinal panel study which has been started in Ko-WADiS, in order to evaluate the instrument's sensitivity to known-group differences and the impact of covariates on competence development. Furthermore, we will investigate the test's sensitivity to interventions in which scientific reasoning competencies are trained. We will also investigate the predictive validity of our test score interpretations, evaluating the test scores' prognostic qualities on the participants' performance in real-life scientific problem solving situations. In addition to validity, we examine the generalizability towards other empirical science disciplines, testing to what degree the competencies which are assessed with the Ko‑WADiS test can be used to solve scientific problems in disciplines such as psychology.
ValiDiS is a cooperation of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Our partners:
Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. D. Krüger
Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. V. Nordmeier
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Prof. Dr. H. A. Pant
Universität Innsbruck and Universität Wien, Prof. Dr. S. Kapelari
Universität Salzburg, Prof. Dr. U. Unterbruner
Universität Köln, Prof. Dr. K. Schlüter
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), funding number 01PK15004B. The author is responsible for the contents of this website.