Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Molecular Parasitology


New Postdoc-Position
(Deadline: 14.11.24)
Research Fellow (m/f/x) in Molecular Parasitology probably 3 years, max. fixed-term for 6 years according to WissZeitVG - E 13 TV-L HU (part-time employment possible)



We are constantly looking for coworkers with a sound basis for scientific work and enthusiasm for research. Further requirements are ease of handling animals, the ability to work in a team and good command of English. This applies to students as well as PhD students and postdocs. Please do not hesitate to contact the work group managers, even if we have no job openings advertised.


Please contact P.I.s directly:


Kai Matuschewski (Molecular parasitology)

Thomas Stach (Deuterostome evolution)

Juliane Schaer (Haemosporodian phylogeny)