Enrico Klotzsch
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biophysik
Experimentelle Biophysik/Mechanobiologie
Sitz Invalidenstrasse 42
10115 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 2093 98280
Mobile: +49 152 2577 9561
E-mail: enrico.klotzsch@hu-berlin.de
ETH Zürich
Laboratory of Applied Mechanobiology
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 633 77 43
E-mail: enrico.klotzsch@hest.ethz.ch
2004 – 2007 Physics, University Zurich/ETH Zurich, Diploma,
Prof. Dr. Vahid Sandoghdar/ Prof. Dr. Petra Schwille
2001 – 2007 Physics and Mathematics, TU Dresden
Professional Degrees
Promotion: Paterial Sciences, ETHZ (Switzerland), 2009,
Prof. Dr. Viola Vogel
Other degrees: MSc/Diploma, Physics/Mathematics, ETHZ (Switzerland), 2007;
Prof. Dr. Vahid Sandoghdar, TU Dresden,
Prof. Dr. Petra Schwille
Professional Background
since 2017 Junior Professor of Mechanobiology (W1), HU Berlin, Biophysics
since 2017 Groupleader and Lecturer, ETH Zurich, Department HEST,
2015 –2017 ARC DECRA Fellow, EMBL Australia Node in
Single Molecule Science, UNSW, Australia
2014 –2015 Vice-Chancellor Fellow,EMBL Australia Node in
Single Molecule Science, UNSW, Australia
2012 –2014 FEBS Fellow,Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
2018 VW Stiftung – Experiment!
2017 HFSP Young Investigator Award
2016 ARC DECRA Research Fellowship
2014 Vice Chancellor Fellowship of the UNSW
2012 FEBS Long-Term Fellowship
2004 Stipendium of the Sokrates Erasmus Society