Migliaro A, Pedraja F, Mucha S, Benda J, Silva A (preprint, in revision) Tracking spatial patterns and nocturnal arousal in an undisturbed natural population of the pulse-type weakly electric fish Gymnotus omarorum. bioRxiv.
Oboti L, Pedraja F, Ritter M, Lohse M, Klette L, Krahe R (reviewed preprint) Why the brown ghost chirps at night.
Mucha S (2024) A microcontroller-based system for flexible oxygen control in laboratory experiments. J Exp Biol.
De León LF, Arias CF, Sharpe DMT, Bravo V, González R, Krahe R, Aguilar C (2023) Unraveling the complex phylogeographic history of freshwater fishes in Lower Central America: A study of the electric fish Brachyhypopomus occidentalis. Mol Phylogen Evol 189: 107941.
Mucha S, Chapman LJ, Krahe R (2023) Normoxia exposure reduces hemoglobin concentration and gill size in a hypoxia-tolerant tropical freshwater fish. Environ Biol Fish 106:1405–1423.
Mucha S, Oehlert F, Chapman LJ, Krahe R (2022) A spark in the dark: Uncovering natural activity patterns of mormyrid weakly electric fish. Front Ecol Evol 10:870043.
Mucha S, Chapman LJ*, Krahe R*: The weakly electric fish, Apteronotus albifrons, actively avoids experimentally induced hypoxia. J Comp Physiol 207: 369-379.
(* these authors contributed equally)
Toscano-Márquez B*, Oboti L*, Harvey-Girard E, Maler L, Krahe R: Distribution of the cholinergic nuclei in the brain of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus: implications for sensory processing. J Comp Neurol 529:1810-1829.
Clarke SB, Chapman LJ, Krahe R: The Effect of normoxia exposure on hypoxia tolerance and sensory sampling in swamp-living fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 240:j.cbpa.2019.110586.
Hecht-Höger A, Braun B, Krause E, Meschede A, Krahe R, Voigt CC, Greenwood A, Czirják G (2020) Plasma proteomic profiles differ between European and North American myotid bats colonized by Pseudogymnoascus destructans. Mol Ecol 29: 1745-1755
Henninger J, Sinz F, Krahe R, Benda J: Tracking activity patterns of a multispecies community of gymnotiform weakly electric fish in their neotropical habitat without tagging. J Exp Biol 223:jeb206342.
Moulton TL, Chapman LJ, Krahe R: Effects of hypoxia on aerobic metabolism and active electrosensory acquisition in the African weakly electric fish Marcusenius victoriae (Boulenger, 1906)
J Fish Biol 96:496-505.
Aguilar C, Miller MJ, Loaiza JR, González R, Krahe R, De León LF (2019) Tempo and mode of allopatric divergence in the weakly electric fish Sternopygus dariensis in the Isthmus of Panama.
Scientific Reports 9:18828.
Aguilar C, Miller MJ, Loaiza JR, Krahe R, De León LF (2019) Mitogenomics of Central American weakly-electric fishes. Gene 686:164-170.
Krahe R: Evolutionary drivers of electric signal diversity. In: Carlson BA, Sisneros JA, Fay RR, Popper AN (eds) Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. Springer, New York
Stoddard PK, Tran A, Krahe R (2019) Predation and crypsis in the evolution of electric signaling in weakly electric fishes. Front Ecol Evol 7:264.
Henninger J, Krahe R, Kirschbaum F, Grewe J, Benda J (2018) Statistics of natural communication signals observed in the wild identify important yet neglected stimulus regimes in weakly electric fish.
J Neurosci 38: 5456 –5465.
Ackerly KL, Krahe R, Sanford CP, Chapman LJ (2018) Effects of hypoxia on swimming and sensing in a weakly electric fish. J Exp Biol 221: jeb172130
Shaw K, Krahe R (2018) Pattern of aromatase mRNA expression in the brain of a weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. J Chem Neuroanat 90: 70-79.
Ackerly KL, Chapman LJ, Krahe R (2017) Hypoxia acclimation increases novelty response strength during fast-starts in the African mormyrid, Marcusenius victoriae.
Comp Biochem Physiol A 213: 36-45.
Pollack GS, Krahe R (2017) Peripheral and central mechanisms of signal identification. In: Squire L, Albright T, Bloom F, Gage F, Spitzer N (eds) Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier, Oxford
Fotowat H, Harvey-Girard E, Cheer JF, Krahe R, Maler L (2016) Sub-second sensory-evoked serotonin dynamics and its relation to ongoing communication behavior in a weakly electric fish.
eNeuro 3:e0115-0116: 1-12.
Picq SC, Alda F, Bermingham E, Krahe R (2016) Drift-driven evolution of electric signals in a Neotropical knifefish. Evolution 70: 2134–2144.
Metzen MG, Krahe R, Chacron MJ (2016) Burst firing in the electrosensory system of gymnotiform weakly electric fish: mechanisms and functional roles.
Front Comput Neurosci 10: 81.
Dunlap KD, Tran A, Ragazzi MA, Krahe R, Salazar VL (2016) Predators inhibit brain cell proliferation in natural populations of electric fish, Brachyhypopomus occidentalis.
Proc R Soc Lond B 283: 20152113.
Picq SC, Alda F, Krahe R, Bermingham E (2014) Miocene and Pliocene colonization of the Central American Isthmus by the weakly electric fish Brachyhypopomus occidentalis (Hypopomidae, Gymnotiformes).
J Biogeogr 41: 1520-1532.
Krahe R, Maler L (2014) Neural maps in the electrosensory system of weakly electric fish. Curr Opin Neurobiol 24:13-21.
Fotowat H, Harrison RR, Krahe R (2013) Statistics of the electrosensory input in the freely swimming weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus.
J Neurosci 33:13758-13772.
Alda F, Picq S, De León LF, González R, Walz H, Bermingham E, Krahe R (2013) First record of Gymnotus henni (Albert, Crampton & Maldonado, 2003) in Panama: phylogenetic position and electric signal characterization. Checklist 9: 655-659.
Benda J, Grewe J, Krahe R (2013) Neural noise in electrocommunication – from burden to benefits. In: H. Brumm (ed.), Animal Communication and Noise, Animal Signals and Communication 2., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Salazar VL, Krahe R, Lewis JE (2013) The energetics of electric organ discharge generation in gymnotiform weakly electric fish. J Exp Biol 216: 2549-2468.
Toscano-Marquez B, Krahe R, Chacron MJ (2013) Neuromodulation of sensory processing in gymnotiform weakly electric fish. J Exp Biol 216: 2442-2450.
Electric fishes: neural systems, behaviour and evolution. Krahe R, Fortune ES (guest editors): Special Issue of J Exp Biol 216 (2013): 2363-2541.
Krahe R, Fortune ES (2013) Electric fishes: neural systems, behaviour and evolution (editorial).
J Exp Biol 216: 2363-2364.
Toscano-Marquez B, Dunn R, Krahe, R (2013) Distribution of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mRNA in the brain of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus.
J Comp Neurol 521: 1054-1072.
Cuddy M, Aubin-Horth N, Krahe R (2012) Electrocommunication behaviour and non invasively-measured androgen changes following induced seasonal breeding in the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Horm Behav 61:4-11.
Reardon EE, Parisi A, Krahe R, Chapman LJ (2011) Energetic constraints on electric signalling in wave-type weakly electric fishes. J. Exp. Biol. 214:4141-4150.
Savard M, Krahe R, Chacron MJ (2011) Neural heterogeneities influence envelope and temporal coding at the sensory periphery. Neuroscience 172: 270-284.
Fugère V, Ortega H, Krahe R (2011) Electrical signaling of dominance in a wild population of electric fish. Biol Lett. 7:197-200. Featured as Editor's choice in Science, vol. 330, 26 Nov. 2010, p.1156.
van der Sluijs I*, Gray SM*, Amorim MCP, Barber I, Candolin U, Hendry AP, Krahe R, Maan ME, Utne-Palm AC, Wagner H-J, Wong BBM (2011) Communication in troubled waters: The evolutionary implications of changing environments on fish communication systems. Evol Ecol 25:623–640.
Ávila-Ákerberg O, Krahe R, Chacron MJ (2010) Neural heterogeneities and stimulus properties affect burst coding in vivo. Neuroscience 168: 300-313. 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.03.012
Stamper SA, Carrera-G E, Tan EW, Fugère V, Krahe R, Fortune ES (2010) Species differences in group size and electrosensory interference in weakly electric fishes: Implications for electrosensory processing. Behav Brain Res 207: 368-376. 10.1016/j.bbr.2009.10.023
Fugère V, Krahe R. (2010) Electric signals and species recognition in wave-type gymnotiform fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. J Exp Biol 213:225-236. 10.1242/jeb.034751
Pollack GS, Krahe R (2009) Peripheral and central mechanisms of signal identification. In: Squire L, Albright T, Bloom F, Gage F, Spitzer N (eds) New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Elsevier, Oxford, pp 799-804; published in updated form in Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier, Oxford
Krahe R (2008) Rooted in behaviour (editorial). J Physiol (Paris) 102:154-156.
Mehaffey WH, Ellis LD, Krahe R, Dunn RJ, Chacron MJ (2008) Ionic and neuromodulatory regulation of burst discharge controls frequency tuning. J Physiol (Paris) 102:195-208.
Krahe R, Bastian J, Chacron MJ (2008) Temporal processing across multiple topographic maps in the electrosensory system. J Neurophysiol 100:852-867. 10.1152/jn.90300.2008
Ronacher B, Wohlgemuth S, Vogel A, Krahe R (2008) Discrimination of acoustic communication signals by grasshoppers (Chorthippus biguttulus): temporal resolution, temporal integraton, and the impact of intrinsic noise. J Comp Psychol 122: 252-263. 10.1037/0735-7036.122.3.252
Ellis L, Krahe R, Bourque CW, Dunn RJ, Chacron MJ (2007) Muscarinic receptors control frequency tuning through the downregulation of an A-type potassium current.
J Neurophysiology 98: 1526-1537. 10.1152/jn.00564.2007
Tamburello N, Krahe R (2007) Variations in the electrocommunication behaviour of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. McGill Sci Undergrad Res J 2: 9-13
Chen L, House JL, Krahe R, Nelson ME (2005) Modeling signal and background components of electrosensory scenes. J Comp Physiol A 191: 331-345.
Krahe R, Gabbiani F (2004) Burst firing in sensory systems. Nat Rev Neurosci 5:13-23.