Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Experimentelle Biophysik/Mechanobiologie (Juniorprofessur)

Lion Raaz

















The field of Biophysics connects the fundamentals of cell biology and the physics of its processes, as well as the technical knowledge of state of the art imaging and measurement techniques. This interdisciplinarity reveals new perspectives on the investigated subjects and allows for in-depth examination of important parts of our organism, like the activation process of immune cells. The challenge of learning new techniques and improving known ones with regard to the given questions is what always inspires me.



Short CV:


Since October 2018 

Member of the Group of Prof. Dr. Enrico Klotzsch in the Laboratory of Applied Mechanobiology, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Viola Vogel, ETH Zürich as Mobility Student (SEMP)


Current Research Project: Contractility measurements of activating T-cells via single molecule FRET and super-resolution microscopy


Since 2017

Masters Student in Biophysics at Humboldt University Berlin


2016 - 2017

Laboratory research assistant in the Group of Animal Physiology, Prof. Dr. Susanne Ulbrich, ETH Zürich


2014 - 2016

Laboratory research assistant at the Institute for Medical Psychology, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christine Heim, Charité Berlin


2012 - 2016 

Bachelor of Sciences in Biophysics at Humboldt University Berlin