Dipl. Phys. Tom Weber
Curriculum vitae
born in Luxemburg, Luxemburg
2000 - 2005
study of physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin
2005 - 2006
diploma thesis at the Institute of Complex Systems, Potsdam University, research group "Theoretical Ecology" (Prof. Dr. B. Blasius)
since 12/2006
phd student at the Institute for Theoretical Biology, HU Berlin, Research Group "Systems Immunology" (Dr. M. Or-Guil)
since 2009
phd student at the Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Oeiras, Portugal
Research Center ImmunoSciences (RCIS)
Hessische Str. 3-4
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49(0)30/450-524044
Fax: +49(0)30/450-524944
Phone: +49(0)30 450524044
Fax: +49(0)30 450524944
Email: tom.weber@charite.de