Für Doktorand*innen
Das Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften ist die zentrale Serviceeinrichtung für alle, die an der Lebenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät promovieren oder damit beginnen möchten. Wir bieten Informationen zum Einstieg in die Promotion, Weiterbildungs-, Vernetzungs- und Beratungsangebote während der Promotionszeit und sind auch für Sie da, wenn Sie Ihre Promotion beenden.
Das Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften ist somit Ansprechpartner für alle Promotionsinteressierte und Promovierende der Agrarwissenschaften, der Biologie, der Biophysik, der Gartenbauwissenschaften und der Psychologie an der Humboldt-Universität.
Scientific career
These pages offer information resources for your scientific career on our faculty. We are not only addressing the scientists who plan to go to the next academic level, but also want to support the faculty’s professors during the various processes they are part of.
If you wish to work for a doctorate at the Faculty of Life Sciences, we will help you with admission as a doctoral candidate and in initiating the doctoral examination process once your doctor’s thesis is nearing completion. Please also feel free to contact us with questions relating to your doctoral examination process.
If you plan to complete a professorial teaching qualification at the Faculty of Life Sciences, please contact us in good time. We would like to begin helping both you and the relevant department with the process as early as possible.
We also offer support for appointment procedures within the faculty, where we are the preferred point of contact for our departments.