open positions
Postdoctoral Research Position
At the Institute for Theoretical Biology Berlin we are currently offering a full PhD/postdoc position associated with the research project "Profiling Serum Antibody Reactivity using Protein Microarray Technology”.
The Systems Immunology Research Group is an interdisciplinary group, investigating different topics of immunology. Our main interests lie in understanding antibody evolution processes in murine germinal centers, and in the analysis of the humoral immune response with peptide microarrays. We investigate antibody recognition using the high-throughput peptide microarray technology in combination with mathematical modeling and machine learning methods.
We offer an exciting working place in the center of Berlin, in a group with colleagues from different backgrounds working closely together and in cooperation with several laboratories and companies in Berlin and abroad, investigating appealing problems with cutting-edge experimental and mathematical methods.
The candidates should have a recent PhD in science or engineering. He or she should demonstrate considerable strength in biology and a computational science such as physics, statistics, mathematics or bioinformatics. Good programming skills and experience in processing microarray data are necessary. The ability to work independently, sincere interest in learning new concepts and skills and high motivation are prerequisites.
The positions can be assumed immediately. Payment is according to the public service pay scale. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation to:
Dr. Michal Or-Guil
Tel: +49(0)30 2093-9105
+49(0)30 450-524044
student postions
positions for diploma and bachelor students (biology, (bio)physics,
(bio)informatics) are available. Please contact:
Dr. Michal Or-Guil
Tel: +49(0)30 2093-9105
+49(0)30 450-524044