Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Structural Biology / Biochemistry

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Biology | Structural Biology / Biochemistry | Research highlights - Group | Substrate Activation at the Ni,Fe Cluster of CO Dehydrogenases: The Influence of the Protein Matrix (ACS Catalysis, October '22)

Substrate Activation at the Ni,Fe Cluster of CO Dehydrogenases: The Influence of the Protein Matrix (ACS Catalysis, October '22)

The residues in the second coordination sphere of cluster C determine not only substrate activation but also its coordination and stability. The study shows how precariously the water structure at cluster C depends on the surrounding amino acids and how even seemingly minor changes can destabilise the cluster to the extent that asymmetrically coordinated [Fe4(μ3-S)4] clusters can form, highlighting the plasticity of cluster C.




Basak Yudhajeet, Jeoung Jae-Hun, Domnik Lilith, Ruickoldt Jakob, Dobbek Holger
Substrate Activation at the Ni,Fe Cluster of CO Dehydrogenases: The Influence of the Protein Matrix
ACS Catalysis. 12711-12719.

doi: 10.1021/acscatal.2c02922