DFG Research Unit 918:Projects and groups |
The consortium consists of eight subprojects proposed by working groups, which are located at five universities and two research centres. All participating subprojects contribute to the common objective to describe the flow of plant derived carbon through belowground food webs quantitatively. For details on groups and specific aims of subprojects see the following links:
University of Goettingen, Yakov Kuzyakov Budget and flows of root-derived carbon through soil food webs
University of Jena, Kai Totsche Characterisation of mobile dissolved and particulate organic substances (MOPS) and quantification of MOPS-transport across the rhizosphere-vadose zone boundary
University of Jena, Ulrich Brose Modelling quantitative carbon flows in soil food webs
University of Hohenheim, Ellen Kandeler Effects of resource quality and availability on soil microorganisms and their carbon assimilation
German Research Center for Environmental Health, Tillmann Lüders Identification of keystone prokaryotic food web members and links in belowground carbon turnover
UFZ Halle, Francois Buscot & Dirk Krüger Symbiotic and saprobic fungi as link between plant derived carbon and soil food webs
University of Cologne, Michael Bonkowski The bacterial energy channel: Protozoa bacteria interrelationships as affected by root vicinity and soil
University of Göttingen, Stefan Scheu Carbon flux through the soil animal food web: meso- and macrofauna
Humboldt-University, Liliane Rueß Carbon flux through the soil animal food web: microfauna