Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Experimentelle Biophysik

AG Hegemann

Experimentelle Biophysik



  • The translated Chinese edition of Dr. Ramprasad Misra's book 'Intramolecular Charge Transfer: Theory and Applications' (R. Misra and S.P. Bhattacharyya; 2018, Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH) is now available.

    ISBN for the English Edition:9783527341566 DOI:10.1002/9783527801916

    Chinese Edition title: 分子內電荷轉移:理論與應用 ISBN:9787511471758








  • We congratulate Angela Piater with 30 years of excellent work at the Humboldt University and Hegemann Lab!


  • Optogenetics - A glimpse into the lab of Peter Hegemann



  • Congratulations to Dr Paul Fischer for winning Humboldt Preis!
  • Science Slam Berlin from Alina Pushkarev (includes singing!:)) and Ramprasad Misra


  • Congratulations to Aviv Korman for winning Katharina Heinroth Award!


  • Light-mediated cellular switches help to uncover inner workings of the human brain (Lasker Award)




